The journey starts here


We design

Transform your ideas

Dream it, wear it

Print options

Your decisions

From sketch to fashion

Ready to level up your label?

We want to offer LABELS OF ALL SIZES the opportunity to realise themselves.

In addition to our standard blanks, we also offer customized cuts and designs.
In this way we can support new labels in their growth as well as being a reliable supplier to established labels.

Start now


to create your own products


First Contact

Contact us via mail, phone, WhatsApp or via our inquiry form . We would be happy to arrange a free initial meeting with our employees in the office in Würzburg/Germany (personally or online).

Afterwards an individual offer will be created, tailored to you needs.


Design & Development

In addition to the finishing of our Premium Blanks, we also offer custom production with self-selected measurements, fabrics, colors etc.

On request, we develop cuts & designs for our customers as well as production-ready tech packs.

Our employees will also be happy to assist you with inspiration in the creation of high quality products.



In this phase, the first individual sample are created to check the desired cut, print, fabric and other details.

Here, changes are discussed and implemented together. Only after final confirmation by the customer the bulk production will be realized.


Production & Finishing

The production of your project is now starting in Istanbul. All steps such as

- Cutting & Sewing
- Dyeing, Printing & Labeling
- and other finishing steps

are made.


Logistics / Shipping / Import

Your goods will now be packed and shipped.

We take care of all matters concerning customs (custom clearance), ATR (traffic certificates) and other necessary documents for you.

If you don't have the capacity for the order and shipping processes, we offer a fulfillment service. This means that we store, pack and ship orders for you and take care of returns.


First Contact

Contact us via mail, phone, WhatsApp or via our inquiry form . We would be happy to arrange a free initial meeting with our employees in the office in Würzburg/Germany (personally or online).

Afterwards an individual offer will be created, tailored to you needs.


Design & Development

In addition to the finishing of our Premium Blanks, we also offer custom production with self-selected measurements, fabrics, colors etc.

On request, we develop cuts & designs for our customers as well as production-ready tech packs.

Our employees will also be happy to assist you with inspiration in the creation of high quality products.



In this phase, the first individual sample are created to check the desired cut, print, fabric and other details.

Here, changes are discussed and implemented together. Only after final confirmation by the customer the bulk production will be realized.


Production & Finishing

The production of your project is now starting in Istanbul. All steps such as

- Cutting & Sewing
- Dyeing, Printing & Labeling
- and other finishing steps

are made.


Logistics / Shipping / Import

Your goods will now be packed and shipped.

We take care of all matters concerning customs (custom clearance), ATR (traffic certificates) and other necessary documents for you.

If you don't have the capacity for the order and shipping processes, we offer a fulfillment service. This means that we store, pack and ship orders for you and take care of returns.

over 200+ Brands

Your brand, our assistance

Your own fabrics, colors, fits - your decisions

Get started

Own fabrics

You choose the fabrics, fits, colors etc.

Different patterns

No boundaries - let's be creative

Prints & Finishings

We offer all kind of finishings from screen print to 3D patches & beyond

Do you have any questions?

Contact us for a free consultation

Click here